It was winter the last time I wrote now you look outside and everything is green and beautiful again. Our last couple of months in a glance... In March, we celebrated Steve's 32 birthday (which means my 30th is just around the corner). During spring break, Steve and Lynn put wood floors in our living room and Presley's room. They look great! In April, I finished my classes up at WSU-V. I am almost officially finished. I will be presenting my project to my committee in June and then I am done. It has been so nice not having to go to class twice a week and not having to do homework. I am enjoying the extra time I have to be a mommy and a wife. Just ask Steve I have taken over cooking again. It won't last long because he is a good cook... but I like it for now. Steve bought a motorcycle in March and he love it. Zoe tells him he rides it way too much. Lol! Zoe and Presley are doing good. Zoe is loving school! Presley will be 3 next month. I can hardly believe it.
3 weeks ago