We did have a very Merry Christmas! On Christmas Eve we visited Grandma and Grandpa's house for snacks and gift opening. The kids got Leapster Explorers and Zoe loves hers. She says it makes her smarter. Presley got a car track that is really cool. The cars move on their own. I think the grown-ups played with it more them him.

On Christmas Eve night we came home opened our new PJ's and put them on. Then we set out cookies and milk for Santa and carrots for the reindeer. The kids both had notes for Santa too... for being naughty. We decided that might help them get back on the nice list. :)
After we put out cookies we read Christmas books and one of them was The Night Before Christmas. Then we tucked our kiddies into bed. Zoe went right to sleep which is unusual for her because she is usually down to use the restroom, get a drink, or tell us something. Presley was a little wiggly but then he dozed off dreaming of Santa I'm sure. He was very excited for Santa to come this year.
Steve and I played Mario Brothers that my parents got him for Christmas and we couldn't stop playing. It was a lot of fun. We kept having to start over because we weren't very good. We also started finding hidden things we remember finding as kids when we played. It brought back fun childhood memories.
After we stopped playing we got to work... I mean we went to sleep so Santa could come.
Christmas morning I was sure the kids would be up by 7:00 but Zoe didn't get up until 7:20 and she had to wake up her brother. My parents, Steve's mom and sister all came to be a part of Christmas morning with us. It was a great time. And Santa thought the kids were very NICE this year! He gave the kids each a bear in exchange for their letter.

After opening presents our house was a disaster!! I spent the rest of the morning setting up the leapsters and cleaning up the mess. Steve and I also took the kids out to ride their new bikes. It was Presley's first time on a two-wheel bike (with training wheels). He did really good! Zoe was a pro riding around on her new big girl bike. I had to close my eyes a couple times when she got going so fast. She crashed once brushed herself off and said "I'm okay mom!"

For Christmas dinner Steve made a yummy prime rib. He really is an awesome cook. I am one lucky girl! My parents, Vicki and Jenn came back for dinner. After dinner we played games. It was a great end to our Christmas!
I hope you were blessed this Christmas too! Have a Happy New Year too!