I am constantly reminded that life is so fragile, unexpected, and happens way to fast. We are coming up on Presley's 4th birthday. My little baby is almost 4! I can't believe it. He is such a character, full of life, energy, and unexpected craziness. He makes life interesting for sure. He is ALL boy. His newest thing is killing slugs at grandma and grandpa's house. He loves animals (except for slugs). We have a frog, two snakes, 3 walking sticks, lots of crickets (which keep breeding) and our big cat marble. Onoccasion we have caterpillars and rollie-pollies that spend the day with us too. He is loud, screams, makes weird noises, and doesn't listen half the time. He has NO fear which freaks me out because I am a super cautious person. My favorite things about my little man are his sense of humor, his sweet littlevoice when he say "I love you mom" or "I missed you" or when he exaggerate "really, really, really really, really..." , and watching him sleep (so content and cute). He also gives the best hugs! I am so blessed to be his mommy! I know I willblink and he will be 14 so I am going to capture all our memories and cherish the time we have together. Tomorrow is unknown so I am living today!

Not afraid to touch yucky stuff!

Egg dyeing can be messy!


My silly little guy!