
Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Hair cuts

Zoe and Presley both got their hair cut yesterday. Zoe wanted to go as short as mommy. It is pretty short. I tried to convence her to keep her hair long because it was so pretty. The short hair will be much easier to manage. She even told me, "Mom, I won't get food in my hair anymore with short hair." She won the argument. :)

Presley got his hair cut too. It was so long and beautiful but everywhere we went no matter what he was wearing people would call him a she. One person even told him to smile like a princess. Grr! It makes me so mad. So I broke down and got his hair cut. It is still longer. He looks like a surfer dude now! :)

Zoe Getting her hair cut!

Presley getting his hair cut!

Happy Kiddos!!