It has been so long since I last wrote. The sun is shining today and it is finally in the mid-5o's. Now time to catch-up... we had Thanksgiving at our house. Steve made a yummy smoked turkey. We also celebrated Christmas at our house too. It is so nice making our own little family traditions. I did a crock-pot breakfast for Christmas morning and then we ate a yummy Prime Rib for dinner. The kids were spoiled as usual but we are trying to teach them about appreciating their many blessings. We rang in the new yearwith my bestest friend, Brittni and her great boyfriend Jason. Steve and I even tried Sushi. Steve loved it, me not so much! January was a long month but it sure came and went quickly

Zoe and I have been busy withDaisy Scouts. She had goal to sell 155 boxes of cookies and she ended up selling 250 boxes of cookies. The troop of 16 girls ended up selling 1403 boxes of cookies and we could still add more boxes to that number. I am so proud of our daisy scouts and families.

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